Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ask me anything!

How to take the best bathroom mirror pictures

All you crazy teens out there who think it's the best to take pictures of your crazy self in your dirty bathroom, let me teach you all about how to really do it the right way. By reading this you'll learn how to take pictures that will back people go, "Hey, that person's has got this business down to the nitty gritty!"

First thing to do is make sure your toilet it flushed. No one want to see what you did five minutes before and which afterwards it felt so great to get it out of your system you decided to take a picture of yourself as well.
Next thing is make sure it's only you in the bathroom; no buddy pics! It reflects badly on yourself when you're in a private environment with another human being. The question people ask is, "What are they doing...?" and "Are their parent's home?"
My next suggestion is keep your shirt down. What ever you think about yourself, you don't have fun-boy abs like you think you do. The mirror always makes you look silly.
Be moderate, smile slyly.
I have included a correct and incorrect way to do such things.

Go forth and conquer!

Personal Reflection (post 4)

March 15th, 2013, my Grandma, Grace Rowley Cox passed away surrounded by her nine kids in the small hospital room in southern Utah. This last week we went down for the viewing and burial. It was odd to think I'd never see my small sweet Grandma walking up across the porch to open the screen door. I would never lay on the porch swing and listen to her tell the stories of my grandpa and when she was young. She was exactly her name, graceful in everything she did.
Preparing for the viewing and talking to the huge family, most of which I have't even met, as she had 43 grandkids and 74 great grandkids, I put on my suit and favorite tie. I love decking out in the nicest things I have, but this time it was more somber. Walking around the small funeral home, doing and talking to everyone I can to delay having to go look into the open casket as long as I can, I was told all about how she would always talk about me. I was told she would never worry I would do great things and go far. I know this is a long winded and rambly way to say this, but I know with her and my grandpa watching over me, I'll work my best to reach my goals and dream. Nothing is stopping me.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Blog review 3

Asking-Alexandra, a good friend of mine, will answer any question assigned in this class! Fully and truly. Much like Rough Riley, she also types in her blog and posts regularly. Her quotes speak to our childish hearts, as she spins stories from Dr. Sues and narrate her perfect day, and all she well plunge upon her oral cavity.
I enjoy and look forward to her posts. Everyday. All day. No big deal.

Blog Review 2

If you're looking for truth in this lying world, there are two places you can turn. Towards God, and Rough Riley's blog (and even if you did choose God, he'd tell you to go to Rough Riley's blog as well). His words are true, especially when we makes them rhyme so eloquently. And his pictures speak volume's about lives greatest greats.
If you ever are in need of a juicy tid-bit, or someone to get down to the nitty-gritty, do visit his blog of wonders. I highly recommend his infinite wisdom of the worlds happiness, and of shoe laces.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Blog Review

Today while swiping through blogs, I came across one with an odd name but good intentions! Emily the Hippophile is a passionate horse lover and great tip provider! Yes, that's what hippophile means, it's one who loves horses to much extent.
As far as her advice goes, for instance, have you ever had the problem of your zipper coming down because it's afraid of heights? Yeah, it happens, but Emily has all the answers!
Her page design is bright and her writing is powerful.

Check it out!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


"Those who are resistant to change are destined to perish"
~Dave from HotRod

In my creative writing class we were given theme books, where there were past writings from from other students, and where we added our own input. The book I grabbed was themed "Change". I realize not all people cope with change as well as others, but change is necessary to thrive and grow! As Dave from Hot Rod expressed so eloquently in the quote above, unless you accept the change God has put in our lives as an opportunity to thrive, you will turn bitter towards family and others. You won't even be able to enjoy grandma's cookies :/

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My Perfect Day

    My perfect day is spending time with my closest friends. We'd go to all the places we love and do all the things we've ever talked about doing. Early that first morning we'd have breakfast at IHOP! The only place to really start off the day. After that we'd drive to all the stores in that area, knowing my friends and I, it'd be the stores that we'd could get fun things without spending too much. Ross, Scheels, Smith's, and The Dollar Tree!
    We'd drive up that canyon later in the day to Sundance for lunch. We'd ride the lift up and look at all the scenery, hop off the lift to hike around and play tag. No matter how old we are, it's always more fun to act like we're 10.

    I can hardly explain how the little things with my friends that would feel the inbetweens of the big stuff we planned out. Conversations and forgotten stories always come up when we all spend time together. There's not much more fun than all day with my closest friends.